What Lifts Me?


What brings me inner peace? What creates the glow within? It’s actually embarrassingly simple. I think it’s so simple that sharing it feels a little silly. But isn’t that what we do? We tell a pal about a new shampoo or farmers market? We share tips on jeans or how to cook fried cauliflower. Next thing you know, everyone is smiling and a little lighter on the inside. Impact is the little things that make you smile. If you can keep that up one smile at a time, you’ll find a glow. It just takes presence & repetition.

Most of us have a pretty hard time admitting what lifts us up. Once we finally say it, we feel guilty for going after it. And if we finally get it, we’re too embarrassed to show someone else how good it makes us feel. 

Let go of the defense that comes with LIKING, WANTING, HAVING and BEING SEEN WITH. You’re worth boundaries and the assertion to acknowledge how you make your peace. You’re also worth Joy and the simple likes that make you unique.

I’ll go first. Here are 5 things that lift me. Feel free to try them out and see if they lift you too. Make them your own, then tell a friend. 

Five Things That Lift Me:


The soft feeling of silk, velvet and airy linen comfort me. I don’t apologize for every little piece of furniture being covered in one of those textures. Body scrubs, thick lotion & oil blends. I need to feel and touch. Scrubs radiate past the skin and through to the fascia and then the nervous system. You release toxins and stress with the introduction of texture and touch. 

What do your fingertips love? Perhaps texture therapy for you is rubbing your plants with a soft thin towel and a tiny bit of neem or coconut oil. Perhaps the feel of the cool leaves against your skin grounds you. 

Maybe it’s those T-shirt textured sheets! I’m laying in some right now! (Happy Sunday to ME!) Its like being wrapped in a boyfriend T with out the boy! Texture. What FEELS safe and good. Admit it. Find that texture and let it be a part of your daily routine.


A blend of my favorite colors is within my eye range at all times. Whether it’s my deep emerald green couch, my soft velvet salmon comforter or my rose colored duvet, I’m surrounded by my favorite colors. My plates are hues of baby blue, powdery lilac and soft rose. I’ve chosen colors that soothe me, make me laugh or smile and colors that blend well with my skin tone. Even my branding colors are for my joy first. Golden forks instead of silver ones, terra-cotta pots instead of green. It’s a little more time consuming to find colors that speak to me, but I wait until I do, and I don’t purchase anything that doesn’t appeal to my eye gates, if I don’t have to. 

Did you rush through every purchase around you? Now when you look around you see so much you don’t wanna see? A lumpy brown this and an old grey that, your least favorite purple and a tan that makes your skin look sallow? What about your light bulbs? Do they have to be that bright? Do you like it? Take a deep breath. Let go of the defense that happens when you admit what you don’t like.

Be patient with yourself. It took a lot to get you where you are and you won’t progress at the speed of light. Maybe it starts with releasing a little first. Or, maybe it starts with just writing down your favorite colors. It took me 3 months. Yup. January 2019 - March 2019. I drove my branding team crazy taking pictures of cups at Starbucks, Pinterest-ing manicures and swatching colors against my skin before saying, “I LOVE IT!”. 

Knowing yourself takes time. Settle in. Breathe. And get to know you and then? One step at a time give you a little of what you like, when you can. It may be a while (took me 18 months) but, you will notice your soul begin to show up all around you. As you feed it, it will manifest the beauty inside of you. So shhh.... Breathe. Close those eyes for one sec. What’s your favorite color?

My Bible

It’s like an escape into a really intense history book. Stories of old teach me so much about all I see in the world today. Outcomes inspire me, because even if it takes a while, Light always wins. I love to assess the personality traits of great men and women. What about them is like me? How did God show up for them? How did they perceive Gods voice? But my favorite part is watching Gods track record. If He’s done it before, He can do it again and that always lifts me.

Ever think about the character of God? Ever wonder how He responds or acts in certain situations? If you had a book about your mom, that she somehow wrote about herself 1,000 years before you met her, wouldn’t you read it to improve your relationship with her? Well, you can do the same thing with God. He’s got a whole book about Him and how He shows up in many ways. Let the stories teach you. Let the outcomes show you who He is. You won’t have to wonder or fear. You’ll know that you’re safe in His love. 

Doing my own nails!

So, I don’t LOVE the process of doing my own nails, but I love the outcome. It’s one of those things where you remind yourself to keep going, to slowly, be careful, wait... now add the second coat... hold on... fix that... ok, now a top coat. Be still. Let it set. Perfection. It’s a reminder of the process. It’s a grounding exercise because you have to breath and touch and shape and pay attention to detail. Then you stop and think in-between coats. And the color... I have a series of pinks and blues (deep purpley pink, turquoisey blue, soft pink, iridescent powdery blue) and I deliberate for an hour between colors before I choose one, set up shop, sit still (usually outside) and play.

Can you find something on your body that needs a little extra care and maintenance? How can you divvy up the steps so that you notice the process and celebrate each step? A wash & go? A little trim in the garden? A face mask & massage? Love on your body. Let the outcome be a proud celebration. 


It was my first major in college and becoming a professor was my DREAM! I LOVE when people say, “OMG! I get it now!” Ask my RHU students! I’m always shouting, “DON’T LOOSE IT! THAT WAS A BREAKTHOUGH! IT’S YOURS!”

I’m so amazed by people’s talent. When you’re celebrated for your talent it feels ridiculously delicious to applaud and lift the talents and mind of others. I know how it feels to wonder and to be unclear about creative offering. Teaching, mentoring, and lifting other people through their creative process feels so fulfilling. The intricacy of honest creativity and the comradery  that comes along with it makes me feel like a part of a tribe, a group of nerds who love a particular thing and have a secret nerd language that they have the pleasure of speaking in the safe space of the classroom. My students bring me as much joy as I seem to give them. That lights me up inside.

What are you celebrated for? What do you deeply understand? Are you an epic mom? A great cook? Are you really good with hair? Try teaching someone else to do those things. They’ll be filled with joy from learning from you and you’ll be full of joy for extending your heart. 

Make Your List

Well loves, this is my little list of five things that lift me up and add a little inner peace to my day. Did you find anything that tempted a little smile across your face? Try it girl! It’s safe. No judgement. Feel it deep in your soul and press repeat. (Some weeks I clean my plants twice a week! I know! I know! But, it lifts me! And it’s safe!)

What lifts you up? What are you nervous to admit that you want more of? Does it bring you peace? Does it create the personal world around you that helps you create a better world for others? 

Release the repetition that no longer serves you. Listen to the “right now, right here” you. How has she grown and changed? What lifts her?

Love yourself and you’ll be a brighter light everywhere you go. It’s a process. But begin it. One joy at a time.

All My Love,