Be The One With Hope!


Sometimes we don’t know what to do or where to turn. I get that. I’ve been so tempted to make quick choices and set up quick negotiations just to feel comfortable about the unknown.

In moments like these instead of seeking Gods face, we seek our phone book. We seek YouTube. We seek our IG or Pinterest feed. We run thru old emails to see what opportunities we can hurry up and benefit from. We look for provision in old-after-thoughts that we’d put on the back burner long ago.

We forget that an almighty and all knowing God has every direction, instruction and possibility lined up and ready to show you. We forget that God already knew about today and provided for it before He even made us. We let our mind wonder into what seems lost instead of visualizing thru the lens of faith.

You’ve gotta be willing to seek God before you seek man. There are men waiting for opportunities like this to take advantage of the fearful. There are also people who seem so very strong, like they’ve got it all together, “faithing” their way thru the same storm you are. This is your opportunity to try out faith if you’ve never done so before. God would LOVE to show you His miracle power when it looks like all is lost.

A few things can go wrong when you panic dial somebody in the midst of a storm. Why not depend on tools God already gave you when you exchanged His Holy Spirit for yours? The mindset of the fearful clashes with the mindset of God’s own. Let’s get a new set of glasses today and add these three items to our vision.

Who do we wanna be in these times? Do we wanna be the killjoy or the peace? Do we wanna be the Debbie Downer or the one with encouragement? Let’s be the ones with:


Don’t seek men without Gods permission. When you seek men without Gods permission you put unnecessary pressure on relationships. People become aware that you’re living life in a state of panic and worry. They know that when you call, you’re calling from a place of anxiety and fear. Don’t risk being the “Girl Who Cries Wolf”. Don’t cry for people to provide an answer when God’s already working it out. Sure, it looks scary but faith is the vision in your heart planted by the Spirit that causes you to believe even when things don’t look just like the promise. Be the one who keeps seeing when it looks like you should give up. Be the one with FAITH!


People want to know that what you’re asking for, includes their well being too. When you forget about the person you’re asking, they can become bitter towards you. They may recognize that you only ask with your self in mind and you don’t think they matter enough to consider the impact your request has on their life. Be still long enough to remember your value. You have something on the inside that God wants to use even now. You have value. When God shows you who to partner with, it will be a balanced partnership where both people feel respected and you honor the value God has entrusted you with. Be the one with VALUE!


You miss out on who God is asking you to become when you put your miracle in someone else’s hands. This might be the moment God wants to show you what He made you to be. This might be where you find out how creative you are, how smart you are, how strong you are. You might learn how to pray and hear God for the very first time. This might be a season of self discovery! Hope is what lifts the soul. If you can continue to seek what God is saying and consider it, your eyes will brighten, your smile will widen and your shoulders will square. Hope is a feeling in the Spirit that says, “Something good is on the way! I just know it!”. Hold on to that. It’s miracle energy! Be the one with HOPE!

Don’t Panic My Friend

Seek God before you seek man. Get Gods direction. He might show you that everything you’re asking for is in you already. He might show you someone you didn’t think of to bless you and help advise you thru this time. He may direct you to online learning spaces or books. 

Don’t panic. Seek God. He’s there just as sure as any phone call. God knows, He sees and He cares and He wants to be there. 

Call on God and get His permission to call men. Call on God and get His approval for what you call a “life line”. Maybe He’s been craving to be your lifeline and just waiting for an opportunity to swoop and and let you know what it feels like when God saves the day. After all, His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Let God be strong in the storm. It’s who He is.

Don’t be committed to what you think. God may have an entirely different idea. When we live in anxiety and panic, sometimes we can’t see or hear what God is saying. Take a deep breath. Be still. Calm those nerves and seek the Word, talk to God in prayer and be still enough to accept His direction. He wants to be your hero. Seek Him & Have faith.

All my Love,


btw… this is a letter to me too. We’re in this together. We could all have a little more faith. I don’t mean to be such a cornball but God made me this way and if I can plant just a little more hope in your hearts, I’ll feel so much better. Chin up! God’s with us.